I have extended UIColor class in objective-c the header file is like this:
@interface UIColor (ColorDecision)
+ (UIColor*) directOrLegacyWithColor;
+ (UIColor*) changeColor;
#import "UIColor+ColorDecision.h"
@implementation UIColor (ColorDecision)
+ (UIColor *)directOrLegacyWithColor {
UIColor *color;
UIColor *returenedColor = self.changeColor;
color = LoginsManager.getSharedInstance.isDirect ? returenedColor : [UIColor self];
return color;
+ (UIColor *)changeColor{
UIColor *newColor;
if (self == Color_C7) newColor = Color_Direct;
return newColor;
I get an warning from compiler at the below line 'Incompatible pointer types assigning to 'UIColor *' from 'Class''
color = LoginsManager.getSharedInstance.isDirect ? returenedColor : [UIColor self];
I know the problem is some how related to the pointers but I don't get what should I do.
Thanks to manishharma93 comment I resolved the first problem now when I want to use the specified method it seems that the methods are not visible.
I defined my colors in a global header file like this:
#define Color_C7 [SharedUtility colorWithHexString:@"FF6A00"] // orange
#define Color_Direct [Utility colorWithHexString:@"313d53"] // Color for direct
This is the implementation of the 'colorWithHexString' function in the Utility class:
+(UIColor *)colorWithHexString:(NSString *)hexString {
NSString *colorString = [[hexString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"#" withString: @""] uppercaseString];
CGFloat alpha, red, blue, green;
switch ([colorString length]) {
case 3: // #RGB
alpha = 1.0f;
red = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 0 length: 1];
green = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 1 length: 1];
blue = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 2 length: 1];
case 4: // #ARGB
alpha = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 0 length: 1];
red = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 1 length: 1];
green = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 2 length: 1];
blue = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 3 length: 1];
case 6: // #RRGGBB
alpha = 1.0f;
red = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 0 length: 2];
green = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 2 length: 2];
blue = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 4 length: 2];
case 8: // #AARRGGBB
alpha = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 0 length: 2];
red = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 2 length: 2];
green = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 4 length: 2];
blue = [SharedUtility colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 6 length: 2];
LOG(@"WARNING: tried to set color from string: %@ BUT string should be a hex value of the form #RBG, #ARGB, #RRGGBB, or #AARRGGBB ", hexString);
return nil;
return [UIColor colorWithRed: red green: green blue: blue alpha: alpha];
now when I want to use my extension function for example like this: self.background = Color_C7. directOrLegacyWithColor the 'directOrLegacyWithColor' function is not visible
In you method, Change "self" to "[UIColor self]".
+ (UIColor *)directOrLegacyWithColor {
UIColor *color;
UIColor *returenedColor = self.changeColor;
color = LoginsManager.getSharedInstance.isDirect ? returenedColor : [UIColor self];
return color;