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How to pass an argument to boost::thread?

thread_ = boost::thread( boost::function< void (void)>( boost::bind( &clientTCP::run , this ) ) );  

is it possible that run has an argument like this :

void clientTCP::run(boost:function<void(std::string)> func);

and if yes how my boost::thread call should be written



  • The following code boost::bind( &clientTCP::run , this ) defines a function callback. It calls the function run on the current instance (this). With boost::bind you can do the following:

    // Pass pMyParameter through to the run() function
    boost::bind(&clientTCP::run, this, pMyParameter)

    See the documentation and example here:

    If you wish to construct an instance of boost::thread with a function or callable object that requires arguments to be supplied, this can be done by passing additional arguments to the boost::thread constructor:

    void find_the_question(int the_answer);
    boost::thread deep_thought_2(find_the_question,42);

    Hope that helps.