I have the following raw text :
It represents a gz
compressed value. Here is the raw text uncompressed :
Now I would like to encrypt it using AES in CBC mode with a 128 bits long key. Here are the key and the inizialization vector I'm using:
key: asdfgh0123456789
iv: 0123456789asdfgh
Anyway when I try to decrypt the cypertext obtained from encryption I got base64
encoded raw text as my input.
[Here][1] is the website service I'm using to encrypt and decrypt.
Why does my input change automatically to base64 ? Whats wrong ?
Screenshot :
Screenshot: [![enter image description here][2]][2]
The problem with a sequence of bytes is that they cannot simply be shown on a screen because you can have 256 different values on a single byte but the alphabet only has 26 different letters.
Given a sequence of bytes it can be represented in letters and numbers when converted to base64.
1) The text TEST
is represented in bytes as 54 45 53 54
and as base64 as VEVTVA==
2) GZ of TEST
is represented in bytes as 1f 8b 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 0b 71 0d 0e e1 e2 02 00 cf 1b f9 1e 06 00 00 00
and as base64 as H4sIAAAAAAAA/wtxDQ7h4gIAzxv5HgYAAAA=
Now you can encrypt the bytes of the gz or the base64 of the gz - they are different.
When using a web page that takes text as input you better use the base64 of the gz. Then, when you decrypt you get what you used.