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Where to place config file in blazor client

I have a Blazor browser-side project and i am trying to use a configuration json file in order to set some things up. I do not understand where to place this config file in order to use it later on. So my folder structure is :

Folder schema when publishing

-root  //tried placing the json here
  - [Blazor server's dll's]
  - Client
    -dist   //tried placing the json here


public class Startup {
        public static Config config;
        public static Action<IServiceCollection> ConfigureServicesForDebugging { get; set; }
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
            Console.WriteLine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); //renders /
            var config = File.ReadAllText("conf.json");


        public void Configure(IBlazorApplicationBuilder app) {

I just want to be able to read that configuration file inside the Client project and i do not know how.It can't find it.
I tried to print and see the Console.WriteLine(Directory.CurrentDirectory) but i would get the relative path.

How can i find the current directory of my blazor application in order to retrieve the configuration for the Client project ?


I have a couple of html forms where i bind some html attributes like the action to some config file value:

class Config
   public string FormUrl{get;set;}

Blazor Form

<form action=config.FormUrl>
<input type="submit">Submit</button>

   [Parameter] protected Config config{get;set;}

I assume i need to have this Config resolved in the Startup somehow.


  • It's not really about the 'where', all files are relative to wwwroot, like images etc.

    But it is about how you read a file. File.ReadAllText() probably throws, it is not supported from a browser.

    You can take a leaf from the /fetchdata sample page: use HttpClient.

    I whipped up a sample but I couldn't get anything working in the Startup class. I guess that essential parts (like the HttpClient) are not configured yet.

    So you can read the config from your main page, or implement it in App.razor :

    @inject HttpClient Http
    <Router AppAssembly="typeof(Program).Assembly">
            <p>Sorry, there's nothing at this address.</p>
        protected override async Task OnInitAsync()
            string json = await Http.GetStringAsync("/conf.json");

    this reads wwwroot/conf.json