Below is an array of people IDs
var arrPeopleIDs = [1,2,3,4,5];
I'd like to separate it into groups of N or less starting from the end of array.
people: 5
divide: single/double (N = 2)
// Below output expected
var arrResult = [
[1], [2,3], [4,5]
people: 5
divide: single/double/triple (N = 3)
// Below output expected
var arrResult = [
[1,2], [3,4,5]
people: 5
divide: single/double/triple/quad (N = 4)
// Below output expected
var arrResult = [
[1], [2,3,4,5]
Can someone please help me with the expected output?
Thanking you in advance!
There will only ever be one remainder while chunking like this, so you can safely chunk the array, then add the remainder, if there is any:
var arrPeopleIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const chunk = (arr, d) => {
const temp = arr.slice()
const out = []
const rem = temp.length % d
while (temp.length !== rem) out.unshift(temp.splice(temp.length - d, d))
rem && out.unshift(temp.splice(0, rem))
return out
console.log(chunk(arrPeopleIDs, 1))
console.log(chunk(arrPeopleIDs, 2))
console.log(chunk(arrPeopleIDs, 3))
console.log(chunk(arrPeopleIDs, 4))
console.log(chunk(arrPeopleIDs, 5))
Above, is a function that will take an array, and a number - which is the max size of the chunk - and return a chunked array, starting with biggest chunks from the end of the array, then the remainder at the start. This function will not modify the original array - so it can be called multiple times