I want to use gatling
for my expressjs
based api. I checked there is gatlingjs npm package
that we can use in project. When I run ./node_modules/gatlingjs/dist/index.js
as specified in tutorial at https://www.npmjs.com/package/gatlingjs/v/0.0.7 I got error in commandline - The input line is too long
But I am able to run gatling.bat from standalone gatling application gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-3.2.0
that I downloaded separately. I checked github of gatlingjs and last update is 2 years back. Is it possible that gatlingjs
project is discontinued? In website https://gatling.io/open-source/ it is mentioned we can use latest gatling as dependency in maven and sbt
but package for npm
is not mentioned. My question is should I use npm package gatlingjs (gatlingjs project last update on github 2 years back) for my expressjs api or is there some other way to use gatling.
I am using gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle
v3.2.0 in my project instead of using gatlingjs
npm package as gatlingjs
npm package updated 2 years back it is best to use gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle
v3.2.0 as it is latest.