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SonarQube Analysis showing code coverage 0

This is a SpringBoot project based on gradle build tool and I am using AzureDevOps task for SonarQube Analysis.

Here are the properties I added in task:\classes

It was working fine few days back and today suddenly it started failing with the error that 0 % code coverage.

When I compared the logs from successful and failure build I found this message in failed build.

INFO: Sensor JaCoCoSensor [java]

INFO: Both 'sonar.jacoco.reportPaths' and 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' were set. 'sonar.jacoco.reportPaths' is deprecated therefore, only 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' will be taken into account.

But I haven't configured anything specific to xmlReportPaths so not sure why it started failing.

gradle version- 5.4.1
SonarQube Scanner version-
SonarQube server version- 7.3.0

Any help is appreciated.


  • After struggling for few days and searching internet I finally found the mistake I did with my gradle task. I had enabled html and xml both reports which was caused the mention issue.

    set the xml.enabled to false and it started working like before.

        additionalSourceDirs.from = files(sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs)
        reports {
            html.enabled true
            xml.enabled false
            csv.enabled false
            html.destination file("build/reports/jacoco/html")
        executionData.from = files('build/jacoco/test.exec')    

    But still I am not sure how it worked first time, because as I said earlier I didn't make any change in code or pipeline.

    I saw that regarding the same message Sonarqube is working on a story as well.