I am trying to change the background Color of an element on another website with tamper monkey. However every time I try it sends the error: cannot change background-color of undefined.
I have tried using getElementsByTagName and getElementsByClassName after which I use the style property then backgroundColor of course.
(function() {
'use strict';
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("rdw");
x.style.backgroundColor = "red";
I would like to use getElementsByClassId because I feel in this scenario its more precise.
As stated I get the error cannot change background color of undefined.
I appreciate the help :)
the return value of getElementsByClassName is
An HTMLCollection providing a live-updating list of every element which is a member of every class in names.
so, if you have only one element with that class, you should pick the first one :
x[0].style.backgroundColor = "red";
otherwise you'll have to loop through the elements :
[...x].forEach(el => el.style.backgroundColor = "red");