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can't apply custom validation to requestParam

I have my RequestParam and I need to validate it, but mu custom validation don't apply, my controller

class ExchangeController {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExchangeController.class.getName());

    private CurrencyExchangeService currencyExchangeService;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
    public Object converting(@RequestParam("fromCurrency") @NotNull @CurrencyValidation String fromCurrency,
                             @RequestParam("toCurrency") @NotNull String toCurrency,
                             @RequestParam("amount") @NotNull String amount) throws IOException {
        BigDecimal convertedAmount = currencyExchangeService.convert(fromCurrency, toCurrency, new BigDecimal(amount));
        return new ExchangeRateDTO(fromCurrency, toCurrency, new BigDecimal(amount), convertedAmount);


and custom validation

public class ConstractCurrencyValidator implements
            ConstraintValidator<CurrencyValidation, String> {
        public void initialize(CurrencyValidation currency) {

        public boolean isValid(String currency, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
            return currency != null && Currency.getAvailableCurrencies().contains(Currency.getInstance(currency));


  • need to put an annotation in my @interface CustomValidation. This means that validation can also be used on the parameter.

    @Target({ ElementType.PARAMETER })