A field is defined to be array(varchar)
in modeanlyatic.
I want to search for records with field contains a certain text pattern, says 'ABCD'
If I run this SQL:
select * from data_table
where top_results like '%ABCD%'
It throws this error:
Query failed (#20190730_021145_23663_dn9fj): line 2:7: Left side of LIKE expression must evaluate to a varchar (actual: array(varchar)
What is the correct syntax to detect the presence of a certain string?
Use filter(array(T), function(T, boolean)) -> array(T)
it returns array containing elements for which function returns true. Use cardinality function to check if array is not empty:
SELECT cardinality(filter(ARRAY ['123ABCD456', 'DQF', 'ABCD', 'ABC'], x -> x like '%ABCD%'))>0 ;
Check another value:
SELECT cardinality(filter(ARRAY ['123ABCD456', 'DQF', 'ABCD', 'ABC'], x -> x like '%XXX%'))>0 ;
Hope you got the idea.