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n step ahead simulation of SARIMA process using R forecast package

I want to simulate an SARIMA process nsteps ahead, with nsim paths. I've already fitted the model, and the 'forecast' package has a 'simulate' function. However as far as I can see whilst it includes an nsim argument it only simulates 1 step ahead? Is this possible with the 'forecast' package?

What I'm trying to achieve is work out the standard error of the sum of auto-correlated residuals (where the SARIMA model is fitted to the residuals of a model which exhibits auto-correlated residuals). So I want to perform monte-carlo simulation nsteps ahead, sum the values per simulation then work out the standard deviation of the sums.


  • nsim is the number of observations to simulate ahead. Set it to whatever you like. Here is an example.

    fit <- auto.arima(USAccDeaths)
    autoplot(USAccDeaths, series="Data") +
      autolayer(simulate(fit, nsim=36), series="Simulated")

    Created on 2019-07-30 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)