I'm trying to open a Microsoft Project file via VBA and then copy some ranges to an excel workbook. But i'm getting an error in my code:
Run-time error '13': Type mismatch
On that command: Set mpp = myMPP.Application.FileOpen(FilenameMPP)
Sub project2xCell()
Set myMPP = CreateObject("Msproject.Application")
Set myXLS = CreateObject("Excel.application")
FilenameMPP = OpenFileDialogMPP() 'Function to browse to a Microsoft Project file
FilenameExcel = OpenFileDialogXLS() 'Function to browse to a Excel Workbook
myMPP.Visible = True
Set mpp = myMPP.Application.FileOpen(FilenameMPP)
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(FilenameExcel)
End Sub
You're getting the error because the documentation for the open call states that the return value for the function is a Boolean
. You're attempting to assign a boolean to an object. Thus a type mismatch.
I strongly advise you to enable Option Explicit
. This will help avoid some errors with your variables.
Additionally, you should consider using early binding (at least during your design and debugging phase of your development) to include the MS Project library reference.
Option Explicit
Sub project2xCell()
Dim myMPP As MSProject.Application
Set myMPP = CreateObject("Msproject.Application")
myMPP.Visible = True
Dim filenameMPP As String
filenameMPP = OpenFileDialogMPP() 'Function to browse to a Microsoft Project file
myMPP.FileOpenEx Name:=filenameMPP, ReadOnly:=True
Set mpp = myMPP.ActiveProject
'--- now you can work with your project
End Sub