I'm working on the Spring-Mvc project.
I'm currently using JQgrid to draw a list. My problem is that I can't use variables as a function
This is where I'm having trouble.
{name : 'product_id',
index : 'pid',
align : 'center',
sortable : false,
formatter : function(cellValue, options, rowObject) {
return '<a href="#" onclick="onCellSelect(\''+ cellValue +'\','+ rowObject +');" >'+ cellValue +' </a>';
The rowObject
is not available because it is JSONdata.
this is error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
onCellSelect([object Object]) // rowobject
How can you solve this problem?
I've solved this problem now, but it's not a fundamental solution. It's just a means of getting data. If there is no solution to this problem, I will present it as a solution.
My solution is to bring in one unique value and get it through a repetitive function.
return '<a href="#" onclick="onCellSelect(\''+ cellValue +'\','+ rowObject.seq_no +');" >'+ cellValue +' </a>';
function onCellSelect(cellValue, seq_no) {
var selarrrow = jQuery("#chargeGoodsList").jqGrid("getDataIDs");
if (seq_no == $('#chargeGoodsList').getCell(selarrrow[i], 'seq_no')) {
title = $('#chargeGoodsList').getCell(selarrrow[i], "title")
explanation = $('#chargeGoodsList').getCell(selarrrow[i], "explanation")
I believe there is a better solution than this. If there is a good solution, please answer.