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BCrypt in Spring gives different hash then online tools

I'm using BCrypt in Spring and it's giving me different hashes then some online tools are using like

Any ideas why?

I've tried setting the strength to 12 in Spring and on the setting rounds to 12 and it did not work.

    DaoAuthenticationProvider provider = new DaoAuthenticationProvider();
    provider.setPasswordEncoder(new BCryptPasswordEncoder(12));

For the raw password "admin" I get these results: with 12 rounds:


Spring (captured from debug mode):



  • BCrypt generates the different salt for the same Input. Bcrypt Algorithm

    BCrypt returns a different hash each time because it incorporates a different random value into the hash. This is known as a "salt". It prevents people from attacking your hashed passwords with a "rainbow table", a pre-generated table mapping password hashes back to their passwords. The salt means that instead of there being one hash for a password, there's 2^16 of them.

    We can check the hashed with normal string as follow

    Boolean isMatch = passwordEncoder().matches(currentPassword,dbPassword);
    public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
        return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();