using nasm to program in x86 assembly...
with MOVQ instruction I put m64 to xmm
MOVQ xmm1, qword [mymem64]
and now I want to compare it to zero so I can use Jcc
how it can be done and what instruction must use? (with quick look in manual I didn't found)
PS. I prefer Intel syntax :P
Don't use SSE if you want to jump conditionally depending on the value. To be able to set the flags necessary for Jcc you need to store the value in a general purpose register. If you are on 64-bit you can do something like:
mov r8,[m64]
test r8,r8
jnz .out
If you're on 32-bit you can check the two parts separately:
mov eax,dword [m64]
mov edx,dword [m64+4]
or eax,edx
jnz .out