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Why the slot function cannot insert text even if it's successfully called

I'm writing a code editor in Qt with QScintilla.

I want to automatically complete the back brackets when I enter the front brackets. So that I connect the cursorPositionChanged(int, int) signal to complete_braces() slot and the connection works. But the insert() statement doesn't work even if the slot function is called.

  • This is for a Windows 10 PC, running Qt 5.13.0(MinGW 7.3.0 32-bit), Qt Creator 4.9.2, QScintilla 2.11.2.
  • The connection of signal and slot works because the qDebug() statement output correctly.
  • When I connect a toolbar button trigger to the slot function and push the button. The back brace is placed correctly.
  • The insert(QString) function works when I call it in normal functions.


/* codeeditor.h */
class CodeEditor : public QsciScintilla

public slots:
    void complete_brackets();


/* codeeditor.cpp */
    // Slots
    connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged()),
            this, SLOT(complete_brackets()));
void CodeEditor::complete_brackets()
    int line, index;
    getCursorPosition(&line, &index);
    if (text(line)[index] == '(')
        qDebug() << "Get a bracket"; // This statement works.
        insert(QString(")")); // This statement doesn't work.

I expected the insert(QString) function in the slot function to be called correctly, but it doesn't.

How can I do to make the insert statement effective or, is there any other method to auto complete the brackets?


  • It seems that QsciScintilla does not allow adding text in the slot connected to the textChanged signal, a possible solution is to add it a moment later using a QTimer::singleShot():

    void CodeEditor::complete_brackets(){
        int line, index;
        getCursorPosition(&line, &index);
        if (text(line)[index] == '(')
            QTimer::singleShot(0, [this, line, index](){
              setCursorPosition(line, index+2);

    On the other hand it is recommended that you use the new connection syntax:

    connect(this, &QsciScintilla::textChanged, this, &CodeEditor::complete_brackets);