So I have created two representations of integers:
data ZZ : Type where
PZ : Nat -> ZZ
Zero : ZZ
NZ : Nat -> ZZ
-- Represent an integer as a difference of two Nats.
data NatNat = NN Nat Nat
and two conversion functions:
toNatNat : ZZ -> NatNat
toNatNat (PZ k) = NN (S k) Z
toNatNat Zero = NN Z Z
toNatNat (NZ k) = NN Z (S k)
toZZ : NatNat -> ZZ
toZZ (NN pos neg) with (cmp pos neg)
toZZ (NN (n + S d) n) | CmpGT d = PZ d
toZZ (NN z z) | CmpEQ = Zero
toZZ (NN p (p + S d)) | CmpLT d = NZ d
Please note, that PZ Z
represents +1
, and not 0
Now I prove that these representations are isomorphic:
import Control.Isomorphism
toNatNatToZZId : (z : NatNat) -> toNatNat (toZZ z) = z
toNatNatToZZId (NN k j) with (cmp k j)
toNatNatToZZId (NN (S d) Z) | CmpGT d = Refl
toNatNatToZZId (NN Z Z) | CmpEQ = Refl
toNatNatToZZId (NN Z (S d)) | CmpLT d = Refl
toZZToNatNatId : (z : ZZ) -> toZZ (toNatNat z) = z
toZZToNatNatId (PZ k) = Refl
toZZToNatNatId Zero = Refl
toZZToNatNatId (NZ k) = Refl
zzIsoNatNat : Iso ZZ NatNat
zzIsoNatNat = MkIso toNatNat toZZ toNatNatToZZId toZZToNatNatId
and to my astonishment Idris politely nods in agreement.
So admittedly this is exactly what I wanted, although I feel a bit uneasy with the fact that I can now prove NN 0 3 = NN 6 9
*Data/Verified/Z> the (NN 0 3 = NN 6 9) $ toNatNatToZZId (NN 6 9)
with block in Data.Verified.Z.toNatNatToZZId 6 9 (CmpGT 2) : NN 0 3 = NN 6 9
This doesn't seem right. After all, NN 0 3
is not structurally identical to NN 6 9
. So where exactly Idris got convinced that they're the same? Is this an intended behaviour (I can imagine it is) and if so, how exactly does this work?
Your proof for toNatNatToZZId
is not total, you only covered some specific cases. If you put %default total
in the Idris file, the typechecker rejects the definition. Of course, there is no total definition for toNatNatToZZId
, because as you observed it is not true.