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How to return an array from C/C++ to Idris?

I want to return an array of arbitrary rank from C/C++ to Idris. I've typed the C++ array as a void*, and correspondingly have an AnyPtr in Idris. In Idris, I've defined such an Array type as a nested Vect:

Shape : {0 rank: Nat} -> Type
Shape = Vect rank Nat

Array : (0 shape : Shape) -> Type
Array [] = Int
Array (d :: ds) = Vect d (Array ds)

but I don't know how to convert the AnyPtr to the Array. I've got as far as

%foreign "C:libfoo,eval"
prim__eval : AnyPtr

eval : Array shape
eval = prim__eval  -- doesn't type check

EDIT I fixed the element type to Int because it simplified the question without losing the important details.


  • Note: Assumes the array shape is accessible in Idris.

    To get an array

    We can return an AnyPtr which points to the beginning of the array, then write a function that recurses over the array getting the elements at each point.

    For example (warning - not well tested),

    -- we index with Int not Nat because we can't use Nat in FFI
    %foreign "C:libfoo,index_int32"
    indexInt : AnyPtr -> Int -> Int
    %foreign "C:libfoo,index_void_ptr")
    indexArray : AnyPtr -> Int -> AnyPtr
    %foreign "C:libfoo,get_array"
    getArray : AnyPtr
    %foreign "C:libfoo,get_int32"
    getInt : Int
    rangeTo : (n : Nat) -> Vect n Nat
    rangeTo Z = []
    rangeTo (S n) = snoc (rangeTo n) (S n)
    build_array : (shape : Shape {rank=S _}) -> AnyPtr -> Array shape
    build_array [n] ptr = map (indexInt ptr . cast . pred) (rangeTo n)
    build_array (n :: r :: est) ptr =
        map ((build_array (r :: est)) . (indexArray ptr . cast . pred)) (rangeTo n)
    eval : {shape : _} -> Array shape
    eval {shape=[]} = getInt
    eval {shape=n :: rest} = map (build_array (n :: rest)) getArray


    extern "C" {  // if we're in C++
        int32 index_i32(void* ptr, int32 idx) {
            return ((int32*) ptr)[idx];
        void* index_void_ptr(void** ptr, int32 idx) {
            return ptr[idx];
        int32 get_int32();
        void* get_array();

    To pass an array

    You can create an array of the appropriate size in C/C++, return a pointer to that array, then do the same as above, recursively assigning each element of the Idris array to the C/C++ array.