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How can I select the output of maven dependency:list?

I have a big group of projects and they depend on each others with pom.xml. I want to get the relationships of these dependencies among projects in a file by shell. mvn dependency:list is the key command, but the result is not satisfied.

with the guide, i have use some parameters, but the result is not good enough

now the command is:

mvn dependency:list -DincludeGroupIds=group -DoutputFile=dependency.xml -DappendOutput=true

and the result in dependency.xml is:




I want to select the output of mvn dependency:list with the format like that:




Just no jar, SNAPSHOT or complie words, which are unneeded.

So, I want to konw, how can I get the result output to a file in this format?

Can I just get this result by adding the parameters with mvn dependency:list?

Although sed or awk is an option.


  • OK.

    before i can repeat the guide from maven dependency plugin, i choose to use sed.

    a man give me a word "post-processing step", nice word.

    and my solution is :

    sed -i "s/group://g" dependency.xml
    sed -i "s/:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT:compile//g" dependency.xml
    sed -i "s/^[ \t]*//g" dependency.xml
    sed -i "s/[ \t]*$//g" dependency.xml