Working on an arduino project that uses binary command codes.
Sample Rate and Filter Type are 2 codes that are concatenated. Sample Rate= MSB half and Filter Type = LSB half.
found: Bitwise concatenation in C
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int first = 0b1010;
//^^v See here
int second = 0b0011;
int result = (first << 4) | second;
printf("%d", result);
return 0;
Which shows how to concatenate two binary values and add them.
Have all the binary codes in the .h file
as macros.
Can I do the same for pure binary values? What is the type?
Will use the concatenated binary value - as a command in a function.
Usage of binary code command currently Looks Like
All the Macros:
//Sample Rate and Filter Type Codes From ADS1261 Datasheets
/*Binary Code Commands Defining Sampling Rate and Filter Type -*/
#define SPS_2_PT_5 0b00000 //SPS = 2.5
#define SPS_5 0b00001 //SPS = 5
#define SPS_10 0b00010 //SPS = 10
#define SPS_16_PT_6 0b00011 //SPS = 16.6
#define SPS_20_DEFAULT 0b00100 //SPS = 20 <--- this is also the default.
#define SPS_50 0b00101 //SPS = 50
#define SPS_60 0b00110 //SPS = 60
#define SPS_100 0b00111 //SPS = 100
#define SPS_400 0b01000 //SPS = 400
#define SPS_1200 0b01001 //SPS = 1200
#define SPS_2400 0b01010 //SPS = 2400
#define SPS_4800 0b01011 //SPS = 4800
#define SPS_7200 0b01100 //SPS = 7200
#define SPS_14400 0b01101 //SPS = 14400
#define SPS_19200 0b01110 //SPS = 19200
#define SPS_25600 0b00110 //SPS = 25600
#define SPS_40000 0b10000 //SPS (f_CLK - 10.24 MHz)
//Define Filter Types
#define F_SINC1 0b000 //SINC1
#define F_SINC2 0b001 //SINC2
#define F_SINC3 0b010 //SINC3
#define F_SINC4 0b011 //SINC4
#define F_FIR 0b100 //FIR// Default if not specified.
It would be exactly the same code. Macros would be substitute with binary literals, literals would be promoted to integers, and then left shift followed by or operators will be called.