I am new to spring and my requiremnt is below: Using spring jdbctemplate extract two fields in a row.
I tried using queryFOrObject() api, which is working for one field, but I do not sure how to use it for two fields ?
public String getSalarayAndSalaryCode(int id) {
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
//not working
String sql = "SELECT salary,sal_code FROM table WHERE ID=?";
String sql = "SELECT sal_code FROM table WHERE ID=?";
String output= (String) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(
sql, new Object[] { id }, String.class);
return output;
String sql = "SELECT salary,sal_code FROM table WHERE ID=?";
I want to get salary and sal_code in a single query.
You can do this by using queryForMap
String sql = "SELECT salary,sal_code FROM table WHERE ID=?";
Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) jdbcTemplate
.queryForMap(sql, new Object[] {id});
So Map contains
Key column
column name value
column name value