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Showing same panel in a window and tabpanel ExtJs

I have a panel inside a tabpanel and when a button is pressed i want to show that panel inside a full screen window. here is what i am doing now:

 var panel = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('apanel')[0];
          if(Ext.getCmp('awindow')){ //if the window already exists
                Ext.getCmp('awindow').items.add(panel).show();// add the item to it
          } else{ // create a new window with the element
            Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
                title: 'Model Selector',
                layout: 'fit',
                id: 'apanel',
                contentEl: panel.getId(),
                maximized: true
    }  else {
        Ext.getCmp('apanel').close(); // close the window
        Ext.ComponentQuery.query('maintabpanel')[0].updateLayout(); // update layout

But it is giving me this error :

Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.

what should i do so that the same panel is shown in tab panel when i close the window?


  • The .close() method on window was causing the problem so i use the .hide() on window instead.

              if(Ext.getCmp('awindow')){ //if the window already exists
                    Ext.getCmp('awindow').items.add(panel).show();// add the item to it
              } else{ // create a new window with the element
                Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
                    title: 'Model Selector',
                    layout: 'fit',
                    id: 'apanel',
                    contentEl: panel.getId(),
                    maximized: true
        }  else {
            Ext.getCmp('apanel').hide(); // close the window
            Ext.ComponentQuery.query('maintabpanel')[0].updateLayout(); // update layout