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Mailchimp Batch the resource submitted could not be validated array Schema describes object, NULL found instead

Posting a batch operation to Mailchimp I keep getting "schema describes object, NULL found instead" error. I get the error in them mailchimp playground This was working fine for a year up to a few weeks ago and then stopped.

Response Body:

{"type":"","title":"Invalid Resource","status":400,"detail":"The resource submitted could not be validated. For field-specific details, see the 'errors' array.","instance":"70a5c431-1cc4-4933-a5c9-2ab84ed06263","errors":[{"field":"","message":"Schema describes object, NULL found instead"}]}

I've tried removing whitespace ,merged fields, and checking to be sure the merge fields natch the mailchimp list and verified the listID matching the correct list.

Any other suggestions would help?


{"operations": [{
      "method": "POST",
      "path": "lists/436db7f77acd/members",
      "body": "{\"email_address\":\"[email protected]\", \"status\":\"subscribed\"
,\"tags\":[\"Green Standard\", \"Customer Care\",\"96959N\"]
,\"merge_fields\": {
                \"BADGE\": \"\",
                \"CPATH\": \"https://secu/Certificate/96959N_0978317_Certificate.pdf\",
                \"FNAME\": \"Charles\",
                \"FRAME\": \"Coupon Code: 1CZ3d17 Expires: 12/31/2019\",
                \"FRAMEHEAD\": \"Certificate\",
                \"LNAME\": \"Gren\",
                \"MKAL\": \"17MA19\",
                \"MKAMT\": \"$250\",
                \"MMERGE3\": \"Global Production\",
                \"MMERGE4\": \"96959N\"
                \"MMERGE5\": \"13d215\",
                \"MMERGE6\": \"ABC, Inc.\"




  • After removing all unnecessary spaces, tabs and whitespace, it's working now. was helpful