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RevitAPI C#: How to undock DockablePane onStart

I am attempting to do up a custom dockablePane and I was able to produce one successfully. However, my current implementation seems to show and dock the dockablePane onStart, which is not what I want. I want to show the pane only upon tapping on the ribbonButton.

My current implementation as such:

//Application onStart
namespace DockablePane
    public class SetupLaunchPane : IExternalApplication
        Result IExternalApplication.OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication application)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        Result IExternalApplication.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
            //Create a ribbon panel at the top
            RibbonPanel ribbonPanel = application.CreateRibbonPanel("Dockable Pane");

            //Get url to the DockablePane.dll
            string assemblyPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

            //Create a push button and add to ribbon panel
            PushButtonData buttonData = new PushButtonData("launchPane", "Launch Pane", assemblyPath, "DockablePane.LaunchPane");
            PushButton pushButton = ribbonPanel.AddItem(buttonData) as PushButton;

            //Register dockable pane
            application.ControlledApplication.ApplicationInitialized += RegLaunchPane;

            return Result.Succeeded;

        private void RegLaunchPane(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.ApplicationInitializedEventArgs e)
            var registerPaneCommand = new RegisterDockablePaneManager();
            registerPaneCommand.Execute(new UIApplication(sender as Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application));

//Show the dockable pane on button pressed
namespace DockablePane

    public class LaunchPane : IExternalCommand
        Result IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)

            var dpid = new DockablePaneId(DockablePaneIdentifierManager.GetPanelIdentifier());
            var dp = commandData.Application.GetDockablePane(dpid);

            return Result.Succeeded;


//Registering the dockable pane
namespace DockablePane

    class RegisterDockablePaneManager : IExternalCommand
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            return Execute(commandData.Application);

        public Result Execute(UIApplication application)
                var data = new DockablePaneProviderData();
                var pane = new ViewPane();
                data.FrameworkElement = pane as FrameworkElement;

                var dpid = new DockablePaneId(DockablePaneIdentifierManager.GetPanelIdentifier());
                application.RegisterDockablePane(dpid, "Pane", pane as IDockablePaneProvider);
                return Result.Succeeded;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return Result.Failed;


//At ViewPane.xaml.cs
namespace DockablePane
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for ViewPane.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class ViewPane : Page, IDisposable, IDockablePaneProvider
        public ViewPane()

        public void Dispose()

        public void SetupDockablePane(DockablePaneProviderData data)
            data.FrameworkElement = this as FrameworkElement;
            data.InitialState = new DockablePaneState
                DockPosition = DockPosition.Right

As you can see, at onStart I am only registering the dockablePane and has not called show, but it appears docked on the right when Revit launches. What am I missing?


  • Inside public void SetupDockablePane(DockablePaneProviderData data)

    data.VisibleByDefault = false;