I want to match a 1st string with a 2nd string. The second string will have dynamic content inside {}. It is also separated by | since I need to match the 1st string with 2nd string's multiple values and return boolean. Also, I need the dynamic variables from 1st string if the 1st string value matches with 2nd string's partial value. I have tried and searched a lot and came up to this
$message = "wala hi";
$pattern = "Mujhey|mujhe|mujh'y|mjy?|mujy|wala {dynamicontent}";
$pattern = str_replace('/', '\/', $pattern);
$text = '/^'.preg_replace('/\{((?:(?!\d+,?\d+?)\w)+?)\}/', '(?<$1>.*)', $pattern).' ?$/miu';
$regexMatched = (bool) preg_match($text, $message, $matches) || (bool) preg_match($text, '', $matches);
var_dump([$regexMatched, $matches]);
It's still not working properly.
following can be the inputs, pattern to match = and the desired outputs:
PS: The strings will contain emojis and ?,' as well.
So far this is the solution which fulfills my requirement. Thank you for your help @Emma.
function checkPattern($stringToTest, $pattern) {
str_replace("\|", "|", preg_quote($pattern));
$pattern = str_replace("|", "$|^", preg_replace('/' . preg_quote('{') . '.*?' .preg_quote('}') . '/', '(.*)', $pattern));
$regexMatched = (bool) preg_match("/^".$pattern."$/mi", $stringToTest, $matches);
var_dump([$regexMatched, end($matches)]);
//test 1 returns [true, hozier]
$stringToTest = "play songs by hozier";
$pattern = "play songs by {artist}|play {artist} songs|{artist} songs";
checkPattern($stringToTest, $pattern);
//test 2 returns [false, false]
$stringToTest = "show hozier";
$pattern = "show {artist} profile|view {artist} profile";
checkPattern($stringToTest, $pattern);