One of my colleagues said to me that instead of processing streams i should create a Flux instead of using a List as it is and then Process my data to it.
But this doesn't makes sense to me because i thought reactive streams were generally useful for blocking io not data processing .
Can someone verify if the new approach suggested by my colleague is correct. and if it is correct, what are the advantages of it over my previous method(performance wise)
List<rootNodes> rootNodes
//My current code
.( some filtering and replacement..) )
//Proposed code according to my colleague Flux.fromIterable(rootobject.getrootnodes)
.( some filtering and replacement..) )
Please help i am a bit new to Reactor (or functional programming in general)
Yes, you're right. Reactor and Reactive Streams in general are useful when you need to deal with asynchronous data and/or concurrency.
To do regular filtering, transformation on an in-memory list, Java Stream is totally fine and using Reactive Stream is overkill (and probably also overhead performance wise).