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How to call ngx-perfect-scrollbar update() and ScrollTop() method in angular?

I am using "ngx-perfect-scrollbar": "^5.3.5". I am adding the description as "See More" and "See Less" and there is scroll on the page. When performing "See More" and "See Less" click action, perfect Scrollbar is not updating itself and there remains a extra whitespace at the bottom.


<div class="col-12 ps" [perfectScrollbar]="scrollConfig">
<div class="seeMoreContent" *ngIf="seeMore === true">
<div class="seeLessContent" *ngIf="seeMore === false">
 <span (click)="updateSeeMore('seeMore')" class="seeMore">
See more</span>
<span (click)="updateSeeMore('seeLess')" class="seeLess">
  See Less


scrollConfig = {
    suppressScrollX: false,
    suppressScrollY: false

if(type === 'seemore'){
 this.seeMore = true;
 this.seeMore = false;
// Want to update the scroll here



  • You can use like this


    Inside Component file

    import { PerfectScrollbarConfigInterface, PerfectScrollbarComponent } from 'ngx-perfect-scrollbar';
    @ViewChild('perfectScroll') perfectScroll: PerfectScrollbarComponent;

    Now you can use this inside your method where you want to update scroll

    this.perfectScroll.directiveRef.update(); //for update scroll
    this.perfectScroll.directiveRef.scrollToTop(offset?, speed?); //for update scroll