Any solution for windows to setup and run the Kafka rest proxy? so i can browse and send the API get/post message via IP/browser?
e.g. at windows browser to get the topics, and use the soapui tool to send GET message to do query? http://IPaddress:8082/topics
I have Kafka server and Zookeer running at windows environment. Creating topics and viewing topics via cmd is working fine, but when browsing url http://localhost:8082/topics , i got empty server response, i guess it is due to kafka-rest isn't install at windows.
Kafka-rest is a part of confluent platform. It is supported only on Linux platforms. But you can deploy the docker image of rest-proxy on windows. The image is available here.
docker run -d \ --net=host \ --name=kafka-rest \ -e KAFKA_REST_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=localhost:32181 \ -e KAFKA_REST_LISTENERS=http://localhost:8082 \ -e KAFKA_REST_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL=http://localhost:8081 \
The link for docker configuration is here