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"How to fix 'Error: Invalid or missing identifier' in hyperledger composer"

When I call a transaction named IntentForSale I get the 'Error: Invalid or missing identifier for Type PropertyListing in namespace'

I have tried to change let propertyListing = factory.newResource(propertynamespace, 'Property', tx.PID); to let propertyListing = factory.newResource(propertynamespace, 'PropertyListing', tx.PID); and checked my model.cto.


/* This namespace helps in idetifying the entities for the network.    */

/* Asset Property identified by a striing PID
This is used to maintain the properties which are registered in the system.

asset Property identified by PID {
o String PID
o String owner
o Integer mktprice
o String RegistrationDate
o String PropertyType
o String Location
o String Status default = "Registered"
o Boolean Public
o Boolean Private
o Boolean IntentOfSale


/* Asset PropertyListing identified by a striing PLID
This is used to maintain the properties which are listed for sale in the system.
asset PropertyListing identified by PLID {

o String PLID
o String owner
o Integer mktprice
o String RegistrationDate
o String PropertyType
o String Location
o String Status default = "Intent Of Sale"
    /* Participant Buyer identified by a striing Bname
This is used to maintain the buyers who are part of the system.
    participant Buyer identified by Bname {
    o String Bname
    o String Bemail
    o Integer IdentityNo //Passport, SSN, Aadhar etc.
    o String Bnkname
    o String Bnkaddress
    o Integer AccNo
    o String IFSC
    o Integer Balance

    /* Participant Seller identified by a striing Sname
    This is used to maintain the sellers who are part of the system.
    participant Seller identified by Sname {
    o String Sname
    o String Semail
    o Integer IdentityNo
    o String Bnkname
    o String Bnkaddress
    o Integer AccNo
    o String IFSC
    o Integer Balance
    o String SaleDeedDocs

    /* Participant Registrar identified by a striing Rname
    This is used to maintain the registrar who are part of the system.
    participant Registrar identified by Rname {
    o String Rname 
    o String Remail

    /* Transaction Created
    This is used to add new properties in the system.
    transaction Created {
    o String PID
    --> Property cproperty

    transaction Registered {
    o String PID
    --> PropertyListing rpropertylisting
    --> Buyer rbuyer

    transaction IntentForSale {
    --> Property iproperty
    --> PropertyListing ipropertylisting
    --> Seller iseller  


    * Transaction Created to put the property for sale in the system
    * @param {} tx
    * @transaction

    async function IntentForSale(tx){
    console.log('Property IntentForSale Transaction');

    //Getting the namespace and factory 
    const propertynamespace = '';
     const factory = getFactory();

    //Putting the property for sale
    let propertyListing = factory.newResource(propertynamespace,    'PropertyListing', tx.PLID);
    propertyListing.owner = tx.iseller.Sname;
    propertyListing.mktprice = tx.iproperty.mktprice;
    propertyListing.RegistrationDate = tx.iproperty.RegistrationDate;
    propertyListing.PropertyType = tx.iproperty.PropertyType;
    propertyListing.Location = tx.iproperty.Location;
    propertyListing.Status = tx.iproperty.Status;

    //Get the asset registry
    let registry = await getAssetRegistry('');
    // save the property
    await registry.add(propertyListing);


when I pass these

    "$class": "",
    "iproperty": "",
    "ipropertylisting": "",
    "iseller": ""

click to see error screenshot it should give transaction successful


  • Look, in IntentForSale transcation model you don't have atributte PLID and you are passing this trough in transaction logic. I think that what you want to do create a new resource, you need to give some id to it. So is something like:

    //Putting the property for sale
     let propertyListing = factory.newResource(propertynamespace, 'PropertyListing', tx.transactionId);