I'm currently working on a React / Redux / Firebase application.
In my Firebase Cloud Firestore I store user data, dynamically created after creating an Auth user.
In my index.js
I use useFirestoreForProfile: true
to get the corresponding user data to show up in firebase.profile
const store = createStore(rootReducer,
getFirebase, // Firebase
getFirestore // Cloud Database
reactReduxFirebase(fbInit, {
useFirestoreForProfile: true, // Sync user data to firebase.profile
userProfile: 'users', // Tell Redux Firebase where our users are stored
attachAuthIsReady: true // Enable firebase initializing before DOM rendering
My authentication action:
export const signIn = (credentials) => {
return (dispatch, getState, {getFirebase}) => {
const firebase = getFirebase();
).then(() => {
}).catch((err) => {
type: 'LOGIN_ERROR',
The part of successful login in my authentication reducer:
console.log('Login success');
return {
authError: null,
authErrorDetails: null
The way I map the state to the component props:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
records: state.firestore.ordered.records,
tabs: state.firestore.ordered.tabs,
auth: state.firebase.auth,
profile: state.firebase.profile
The current profile data looks like this:
Within the user document where those fields are set, I've created an additional collection.
The path would look as: users -> (document id) -> tabs -> (document id) -> fields
Is there any way to include the tabs collections in firebase.profile
The final object should look something like the one I just created manually for displaying purposes:
Is there a way of achieving this? I really hope it's only a param missing or something.
export const createTab = (tab) => {
return (dispatch, getState, { getFirebase, getFirestore }) => {
// Make aync call to DB
// Get userId (to know where to store the new tab)
const userId = getState().firebase.auth.uid;
// Get user tabSlots to decide how many tabs the user may have
const userTabSlots = getState().firebase.profile.tabSlots;
// Get current tabs (to not overwrite)
const currentTabs = getState().firebase.profile.tabs;
// Check if already exists
let exists = currentTabs.map((ctab, i) => {
if(ctab.title === tab.title){
dispatch({ type: 'CREATE_TAB_ERROR_DUPLICATE', err: "Duplicate" });
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Check if the user can make new tabs dependent on the tier
let canCreate = true;
if(currentTabs.length === userTabSlots){
dispatch({ type: 'CREATE_TAB_ERROR_LIMIT', err: "Tab limit reached" });
canCreate = false;
// If it does not already exists and user can create new tabs
if(!exists.includes(true) && canCreate){
const firestore = getFirestore();
tabs: [
{...tab, createdAt: new Date()}
}).then(() => {
dispatch({ type: 'CREATE_TAB', tab });
}).catch((err) => {
dispatch({ type: 'CREATE_TAB_ERROR', err });