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Populate HTML Table Data from CFC Query Results

I have an Ajax request that calls a CFC:


function PopulateEmailData(){

            type: "POST",
            data: $('##emailTicket').serialize(),
            url: "cfcs/emailData.cfc?method=getData&ticket_id=#url.ticketID#",
            beforeSend: function(){
            complete: function(){
            success: function(data) {
                console.log("PopulateEmailData Called - Success");
            error: function() {
                console.log("PopulateEmailData Called - Error");
    console.log("PopulateEmailData Called");    

My CFC then queries my database: CFC

    <cffunction name="getData" access="remote" returnType="query">
        <cfargument name="ticket_id" type="any" required="true">

        <!--- localize function variables --->
        <cfset var emailTracking = "">

        <cfquery name="emailTracking" datasource="#datasource#">
            SELECT *
            FROM  email_tracking
            WHERE ticket_id = <cfqueryparam value="#ARGUMENTS.ticket_id#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">

        <cfreturn emailTracking>

I can see in my console output that my query data is being returned. What I am trying to do is to fill HTML table data with the results. I am attempting to do it through the success function of my AJAX call.

Here is my HTML table

<table width="100%" class="email_tracking_table">
        <td id="timestampTD"></td>
        <td id="senderTD"></td>
        <td id="recipientTD"></td>

But what I am seeing is just the text 'emailTracking.timestamp' being added to the TD element, not the retuned data. What am I doing wrong?


  • Problems

    1. If your query can return multiple records, your JS code will need to loop through those results, adding a new <tr> for each record.
    2. Wrapping a JS variable in quotes prevents it from being evaluated. So 'emailTracking.timestamp' (note the quotes) is a string, not a variable.
    3. The actual variable passed to the success() function is named data, not "emailTracking.timestamp". To access the query data, use the data variable.
    4. The CFC may be returning a query, but it's not in the correct format. CF returns wddx format by default, which your jQuery code won't handle correctly. Use a more compatible format like JSON.


    1. To request the response in JSON format, add the returnFormat parameter to the ajax url:

    2. Set the jquery response dataType to "json", so its automatically deserialized

          type: "POST",
          dataType: "json",
          url: "..."
    3. Although adding ?returnFormat=json to the url is enough to get back JSON, CF's default format for queries is very ... non-standard. So you may want to modify the CFC to return an array of structures instead. Just don't forget to change the function return type to "array".

      <cffunction name="getData" access="remote" returnType="array">     
          ... code
          <cfset local.response = []>
          <cfloop query="emailTracking">
              <cfset arrayAppend(local.response
                                , { "timestamp": emailTracking.timestamp
                                    , "sender": emailTracking.sender
                                    , "recipient": emailTracking.recipient
          <cfreturn local.response>

    With those changes, the JS data variable will now contain an array of structures which you can loop through and construct your HTML easily enough.

    success: function(data) {
        data.forEach(function (item, index) {
            // for demo, log values in each row to console
            console.log(index, item.timestamp, item.sender);