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Run command extension execution is in progress. Please wait for completion before invoking a run command

I am trying to execute a script on multiple VM(2 servers for now) from Azure devops pipeline. Invocation of script is being done via Invoke-AzureRmVMRunCommand.

My issues: on first VM command is executing without any issues. But on second VM, I am getting below error:

2019-07-21T08:35:00.5804498Z ##[error]Run command extension execution is in progress. Please wait for completion before invoking a run command. ErrorCode: Conflict

ErrorMessage: Run command extension execution is in progress. Please wait for completion before invoking a run command.

StatusCode: 409

ReasonPhrase: Conflict

OperationID : a7f0e50a-4f53-4d3b-84bf-35b7637d6df0

How can I avoid this error?


  • Answering my own question:

    Looks like one of the VM had some hung processes. When I rebooted both VMs, the VM which had issue generated an output file before restart.

    Post restart, I am not getting the same issue again. Please look from this angle also If you are facing this issue.