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VS 2019 deprecated API in a backwards compatible async package

We have quite old VS extension which is loaded synchronously, it is derived from the Package and VS 2019 is telling us that we are using deprecated API.

The thing is that we need our extension to be backwards compatible with VS 2013-2019.

I have found this example on github which should allow to load a package synchronously on VS 2013 and asynchronously on VS 2015-2019, but i am not sure if this will help us with the warning about using deprecated API and i really want to get rid of this because according to this article all synchronously loaded packages won't be loaded in VS 2019 v16.1.

So the question is, do you think that on VS 2019 will be package derived from Package with async support loaded without any warnings or i must migrate to AsyncPackage and end up with two VS extensions, because the AsyncPackage is not supported in VS 2013?



  • According to these issues on GitHub, especially this one and article i have posted in the comment i assume that i really must implement AsyncPackage and end up with two extensions, because AsyncPackage is not supported in VS 2013... hoping that someone will prove me wrong, but for now i am marking this as answer.