How to obtain rightmost unset bit position of a number N in c++.
1<= N <= 2^60
storing as number does not work since 2^60 can only be stored in string. thus following does not work
long long getBitUtil(long long n) {
return log2(n&-n)+1;
long long getBit(long long n) {
return getBitUtil(~n);
Try this. Code is self explanatory with comments
int getRightmostUnSetBit(string s, int pos)
int l= s.size();
int lc = s[l-1];
if(lc>=48 && lc<=57 && lc%2 ==0)
return pos; // if last digit is even return position
{// divide the number into half and call function again.
string s2 = "";
int rem =0;
for(int i =0; i<l;i++)
int d = s[i]-'0';
d = rem *10 + d;
int q = d/2;
rem = d%2;
return getRightmostUnSetBit(s2,pos+1); //call for s2
Take input in string and call from main
int pos = getRightmostUnSetBit(s,1);// will not work if s is "0" or similar to "000...". So check for it before function calling.