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showing an image as firstframe using flowplayer and on clicking the image play the video

I am using flowpalyer to play video. I am trying to get to show an png image as start image instead of the regular black screen. But for somereason its not working can anyone help me i dentify what the problem is

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<div style="width: 290px; padding-bottom: 0px;" id="optin">
<div style="width:264px;height:198px;border:1px solid red;">
<a  href="" 
style="display:block;width:290px;height:171px;"     id="player"> </a>
<script language="JavaScript">
flowplayer("player", ""{

    // here is our playlist with two clips
    playlist: [

        // this first PNG clip works as a splash image
            url: '', 
            scaling: 'orig'

        // second clip is a video. when autoPlay is set to false the splash screen will be shown
            url: '', 
            autoPlay: false, 

            // video will be buffered when splash screen is visible
            autoBuffering: true 


  • Here is the code which i used. Hope it helps others who are in a position i was

    </script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <div style="width: 271px; padding-bottom: 0px;border:3px solid #ccc;margin:0 auto" id="optin">
    <div style="width:264px;height:198px;margin:0 auto">
    <a  href=""  style="display:block;width:264px;height:198px;z-index:300"  id="player"> </a>
    <script language="JavaScript">
         flowplayer("player", "",{
    // here is our playlist with two clips
    playlist: [
        // this first PNG clip works as a splash image
            url: '', 
            scaling: 'orig'
        // second clip is a video. when autoPlay is set to false the splash screen will be shown
            url: '', 
            autoPlay: false, 
            // video will be buffered when splash screen is visible
            autoBuffering: true 