Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong in this formula?
=ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXEXTRACT((A2:A&"")+(B2:B&"")+(C2:C&"")), "02(\d{14})37")
I'm trying to extract a 14 digit number that sits between 02 and 37 that may be in columnA, columnB or columnC.
I've tried this also, with the expected result showing on the first row only:
=ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXEXTRACT(textjoin(" ",true,A2:C),"02(\d{6,14})37"))
I'm really confuzzled.
it needs to be like this:
REGEXEXTRACT(A2:A&"", "02(\d{14})37"),
REGEXEXTRACT(B2:B&"", "02(\d{14})37")),
REGEXEXTRACT(C2:C&"", "02(\d{14})37")))))