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Retrieving first_name from Facebook Messenger results in [object Promise]

I'm writing a simple query to return the first name of a user of my Facebook Messenger chat bot, see below:

async queryFB(id) {
  const fb_page_access_token = dotenv.FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN
  const response = await get(""+ id + "?fields=first_name&access_token=" + fb_page_access_token);
  const json = await response.json();

  return json.first_name

async fbFirstName() {
  const fbUserID =

  try {
    const firstName = await queryFB(fbUserID);
  } catch(e) {
    console.log("Error: " + err);

I was following this post here

The problem is that it only returns [object Promise]. I thought the solve for this was to use async and await but I still have the same problem.


  • After a lot of fiddling with the code I managed to solve this as follows:

       function fbFetch() {
          const fb_page_access_token = process.env.FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN
          var fbID = 716540089
          fetch('' + fbID + '?fields=first_name&access_token=' + fb_page_access_token)
          .then(function(response) {
            return response.json();
          .then(function(myJson) {
            var fbName = JSON.stringify(myJson.first_name);
            var fbNameTrim = fbName.slice(1,-1);
            turnContext.sendActivity("Hi " + fbNameTrim + "! From inside fbFetch() before return fbNameTrim");
            return fbNameTrim;
          catch(e) {
            console.log("Error: " + err);

    The changes I made are as follows:

    • I updated the const fb_page_access_token call as it my syntax was wrong in the original post
    • I added .then statements to ensure that each step of the function was completed before moving on to the next to resolve some [object Promise] issues I was having
    • I used stringify to turn the JSON object into a string
    • I have used the slice function to take off the first and last characters of the string that is returned for first_name as they were inverted commas (“first_name”)