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Extract keys and values from json string in bigquery where there is no specified key in the json document

I have a table in bigquery where I have object and for each object I have some stringified json. In json, an example row look like below:

    "ObjectID": "1984931229",
    "indexed_abstract": "{\"IndexLength\":123,\"InvertedIndex\":{\"Twenty-seven\":[0],\"metastatic\":[1,45],\"breast\":[2],\"adenocarcinoma\":[3],\"patients,\":[4]}}" 

where inside the indexed_abstract we have an InvertedIndex which contains some keywords and how many times these keywords appeared in the ObjectID.

Now I want to access the stringified json by parsing the json using bigquery and for each ObjectID I want to create a nested field where I have the keyword, the corresponding array and the length of the corresponding array.

For example in this case the output would look like the following:

|  ObjectID  |  keyword.key   | keyword.count | keyword.positions |
| 1984931229 | Twenty-seven   |             1 | [0]               |
|            | metastatic     |             2 | [1,45]            |
|            | breast         |             1 | [2]               |
|            | adenocarcinoma |             1 | [3]               |
|            | patients       |             1 | [4]               |

I understand I could use JSON_EXTRACT function but I am not sure what would be my key inside the inverted index to access the keywords and the arrays corresponding to them.


  • Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL

    SELECT ObjectID, 
          ARRAY_LENGTH(SPLIT(value)) `count`, 
          value positions 
        FROM UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(indexed_abstract, '$.InvertedIndex'), r'"[^"]+":\[[\d,]*?]')) pair,
        UNNEST([STRUCT(REPLACE(SPLIT(pair, ':')[OFFSET(0)], '"', '') AS key, SPLIT(pair, ':')[OFFSET(1)] AS value)])
      ) keyword
    FROM `project.dataset.table`

    If to apply to sample data from your question - result is

    Row ObjectID    keyword.key     keyword.count   keyword.positions    
    1   1984931229  Twenty-seven    1               [0]  
                    metastatic      2               [1,45]   
                    breast          1               [2]  
                    adenocarcinoma  1               [3]  
                    patients        1               [4]  

    Update on Op's comment - I was wondering if I wanted to make the positions an array (a repeated field), how would I do that?

    Change needs to be done in just one line

      SPLIT(REGEXP_REPLACE(value, r'\[|]', '')) positions