Little intro: I want to limit drawing inside existing polygons using snap interaction on restriction layer.
I implemented condition on draw interaction that checks if the features of restrictive source are available and if they are then enable drawing inside it.
It works fine but it is a bit too restrictive. (e.g. if I want to draw polygon on the existing borders or I want to draw inside polygon using existing borders ).
Example below:
new Draw({
condition: (e) => {
let coords = e.coordinate
let features = restrictionSource.getFeaturesAtCoordinate(coords);
if (features.length > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
type: "Polygon",
source: vectorDrawLayer.getSource(),
style: styleDuringDraw
I detected some strange behavior while drawing inside restrictive polygon. On some edges I can click, on others I can't.
In live example below:
I can't start drawing from the inside edge of the bottom right corner (and top corner as well) where snap interaction for some reason doesn't work. I have case where I need to draw polygon area that uses whole area of restrictive polygon but I'can't do that because my approach is a bit to restrictive.
I'm wondering if any different approach is available or recommended in this type of cases.
First problem your polygon isn't closed properly which means the snap isn't working on one edge:
'coordinates': [[[-5e6, -1e6], [-4e6, 1e6], [-3e6, -1e6], [-5e6, -1e6]]]
The snap snaps to a pixel and it seems the coordinate in that event sometimes isn't exactly on the feature, so this test should be more reliable
let features = olMap.getFeaturesAtPixel(e.pixel, { layerFilter: function(layer) { return layer === restrictionLayer; }});
if (features && features.length > 0) {