I'm running a macro which results in several new worksheets being created, based on user input; at least one 'master' worksheet, and several 'sub' worksheets. These will have a format along the lines of "Group 1 Master", "Group 1 Sub 1", "Group 2 Sub 2", "Group 2 Sub 3" ....... "Group n Master", "Group n Sub 1"......
I would like to find a way to hide the sub sheets until their master sheet is selected/activated, at which point they should become visible, and then when the master sheet isn't selected, they should be hidden again.
I've found sources indicating how to manually achieve this, by inserting something like the sub below into the given worksheet, however my sheets are being generated by a macro, and I don't want to manually go through and add this to all of them.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
For Each SubSheet in SubSheets
SubSheet.Visible = False
Next SubSheet
End Sub
How do I hide all sub sheets apart from when their master is selected?
Imagine this is how it looks with all sheets visible:
Then this is how it looks with all sub sheets hidden:
And this is how it works with auto hide/show the sub sheets for the active master sheet:
I used the following codes:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
'find master left of selected sheet
Dim ActiveMaster As Object
Dim iSht As Long
For iSht = Sh.Index To 1 Step -1 'loop backwards until a master is found
If InStr(1, ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht).Name, "Master") > 0 Then
Set ActiveMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht)
Exit For
End If
Next iSht
If ActiveMaster Is Nothing Then
'no master sheet left of current sheet found
MsgBox "No 'Master' sheet found.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'find last sub sheet
Dim LastSub As Object
For iSht = ActiveMaster.Index + 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
If InStr(1, ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht).Name, "Master") > 0 Then
Set LastSub = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht - 1)
Exit For
End If
Next iSht
'if no last sub sheet was found it is the very last sheet
If LastSub Is Nothing Then
Set LastSub = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count)
End If
'hide all SUB-sheets left of master sheet and right of LastSub sheet
If ActiveMaster.Index > 1 Then
For iSht = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
If iSht < ActiveMaster.Index Or iSht > LastSub.Index Then
If InStr(1, ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht).Name, "Master") = 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht).Visible = xlSheetHidden
End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht).Visible = xlSheetVisible
End If
Next iSht
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ShowAllSheets()
Dim iSht As Long
For iSht = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht).Visible = xlSheetVisible
Next iSht
End Sub
Public Sub HideAllSubSheets()
Dim iSht As Long
For iSht = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
If InStr(1, ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht).Name, "Master") = 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(iSht).Visible = xlSheetHidden
End If
Next iSht
End Sub