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iPhone BLE / GATT interface

I am developing a BLE library for Node JS. I discovered my own iPhone and I found the following GATT services and characteristics:

service d0611e78bbb44591a5f8487910ae4366
characteristic { uuid: '8667556c9a374c9184ed54ee27d90049',
  props: [ 'write', 'notify', 'extendedProperties' ] }

service 9fa480e0496745429390d343dc5d04ae
characteristic { uuid: 'af0badb15b9943cd917aa77bc549e3cc',
  props: [ 'write', 'notify', 'extendedProperties' ] }

service 180f
characteristic { uuid: '2a19', props: [ 'read', 'notify' ] }

service 1805
characteristic { uuid: '2a2b', props: [ 'read', 'notify' ] }
characteristic { uuid: '2a0f', props: [ 'read' ] }

service 180a
characteristic { uuid: '2a29', props: [ 'read' ] }
characteristic { uuid: '2a24', props: [ 'read' ] }

Now I am wondering what they do. Is there any documentation / specification for this? I could not find much by googling.


  • For the 16-bit standard/registered services, you want the GATT Services list.

    180f is Battery Service.

    1805 is Current Time Service.

    180a is Device Information.

    The long-form (128-bit) services are custom, unregistered services.

    d0611e78bbb44591a5f8487910ae4366 is the Apple Continuity service.

    I don't know what 9fa480e0496745429390d343dc5d04ae is.