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HikariCP + Hibernate + MySql: warnings even when defining correct 'driverClassName' property

I'm having this problem with HikariCP and MySql in my maven project: a warning shows up saying:

Loading class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'. The driver has automatically registered via the SPI and manual loading of the driver class is generally unnecessary.

I want to get rid of this warning.

For that, I need to know why even having the maven MySql connector in its latest version and HikariCP configuration set to set the class com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver (which is the non-deprecated one) this warning still shows up.

Here it is the maven dependency in pom.xml:


Then, I have this properties file called


#user and password and other data omitted

Now, for the HibernateConfiguration I have:

package mypackage;

// ... imports


public class HibernateConfig {
    private static final String HIBERNATE_PROPERTIES = "/";

    @Bean(name = "hikariDataSource")
    public DataSource dataSource() {
        HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(HIBERNATE_PROPERTIES);
        HikariDataSource dataSource = new HikariDataSource(config);
        return dataSource;

In the same class, I register as beans the LocalSessionFactoryBean and the TransactionManager, but the code does not matter here.

I also already checked the configuration in debug mode to see if the driverClassName is the one I have put and the answer is yes.

Therefore, the logs are shown even if registered correctly.

Also, HikariCP docs tells me to use the jdbcUrl configuration:

The MySQL DataSource is known to be broken with respect to network timeout support. Use jdbcUrl configuration instead.


Does jdbcUrl configuration triggers automatically the old Class (if yes, how can I override and avoid this?)? And then it seems that it is deprecated and searches for another one? Does it ignore my driverClassName config?


  • There's no issue with the code that's here - the key points being:

    • You're listing a dependency on the 8.* branch of the mysql connector, which contains the new JDBC driver
    • You're listing the new driver under driverClassName in your properties file
    • You're instantiating the HikariConfig correctly, with the properties that you're defining.

    If the old driver is being loaded, it therefore isn't in this code - it's either with a separate application, or somewhere else in this application.