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Find common keys in JSON objects using jq

I'm trying to find all common keys in a Json file, given that we don't know names of keys in the file.

the Json file looks like:

   "DynamicKey1" : {
    "foo" : 1,
    "bar" : 2

   "DynamicKey2" : {
     "bar" : 3

   "DynamicKey3" : {
     "foo" : 5,
     "zyx" : 5


Expect result:


I was trying to apply reduce/foreach logic here but I am not sure how to write it in jq. I appreciate any help!!

jq '. as $ss | reduce range(1; $ss|length) as $i ([]; . + reduce ($ss[i] | keys) as $key ([]; if $ss[$i - 1] | has($key) then . +$key else . end))' file.json


  • There are some inconsistencies in the Q as posted: there are no keys common to all the objects, and if one looks at the pair-wise intersection of keys, the result would include both "foo" and "bar".

    In the following, I'll present solutions for both these problems.

    Keys in more than one object

    [.[] | keys_unsorted[]] | group_by(.)[] | select(length>1)[0]

    Keys in all the objects

    Here's a solution using a similar approach:

    length as $length
    | [.[] | keys_unsorted[]] | group_by(.)[]
    | select(length==$length) 
    | .[0]

    This involves group_by/2, which is implemented using a sort.

    Here is an alternative approach that relies on the built-in function keys to do the sorting (the point being that ((nk ln(nk)) - n(k ln(k))) = nk ln(n), i.e. having n small sorts of k items is better than one large sort of n*k items):

    # The intersection of an arbitrary number of sorted arrays
    def intersection_of_sorted_arrays:
      # intersecting/1 returns a stream
      def intersecting($A;$B):
        def pop:
        .[0] as $i
        | .[1] as $j
        | if $i == ($A|length) or $j == ($B|length) then empty
          elif $A[$i] == $B[$j] then $A[$i], ([$i+1, $j+1] | pop)
          elif $A[$i] <  $B[$j] then [$i+1, $j] | pop
          else [$i, $j+1] | pop
        [0,0] | pop;
       reduce .[1:][] as $x (.[0]; [intersecting(.; $x)]);

    To compute the keys common to all the objects:

    [.[] | keys] | intersection_of_sorted_arrays