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How do I include &, <, > etc in XML attribute values

I want to create an XML file which will be used to store the structure of a Java program. I am able to successfully parse the Java program and create the tags as required. The problem arises when I try to include the source code inside my tags, since Java source code may use a vast number of entity reference and reserved characters like &, < ,> , &. I am not able to create a valid XML.

My XML should go like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<prg name="prg_name">
  <class name= "class_name>
    <parent>parent class</parent>
      <interface>Interface name</interface>
      <method name= "method_name">
        <statement>the ordinary java statement</statement>
        <if condition="Conditional Expression">
          <statement> true statements </statement>
          <statement> false statements </statement>
        <statement> usual control statements </statement>

Like this, but the problem is conditional expressions of if or other statements have a lot of & or other reserved symbols in them which prevents XML from getting validated. Since all this data (source code) is given by the user I have little control over it. Escaping the characters will be very costly in terms of time.

I can use CDATA to escape the element text but it can not be used for attribute values containing conditional expressions. I am using Antlr Java grammar to parse the Java program and getting the attributes and content for the tags. So is there any other workaround for it?


  • You will have to escape

    " to  &quot;
    ' to  &apos;
    < to  &lt;
    > to  &gt;
    & to  &amp;

    for xml.