I want to get a list of all UClasses.
I tried to search in ClassViewer but it gives me a SWidget so I don't know how can I get an UUserWidget* from it.
FClassViewerModule& ClassViewerModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FClassViewerModule>("ClassViewer");
FClassViewerInitializationOptions initClassViewer = FClassViewerInitializationOptions();
FOnClassPicked onClassPicked = FOnClassPicked();
TSharedRef<SWidget> classesWidget = ClassViewerModule.CreateClassViewer(initClassViewer, onClassPicked);
If I can't get an UUserWidget* from that SWidget then, is there another way to get a list of all UClasses that are currently created in the project?
I just want to get a list of UClasses so I can put it in a widget ComboBox, I thought that if I get an UUserWidget from "classesWidget" then I could get the values of UClasses (they should be inside a PanelBox), but what I really need is to get the list, it doesn't need to be an UUserWidget, that question was because I found that method.
I finally just put a TObjectIterator so I can get every class I want:
for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
if (It->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()) || It->IsChildOf(APawn::StaticClass()) || It->IsChildOf(ACharacter::StaticClass()))
else if (It->IsChildOf(USceneComponent::StaticClass()))
else if (It->IsChildOf(UUserWidget::StaticClass()))