My VB6 program uses Mkdir to create a folder after first confirming that the folder doesn't exist, using this couldn't-be-simpler code:
If LenB(Dir$(ImportFolder & "\" & UuidPartOfImportFolderName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir ImportFolder & "\" & sIECommon2.gstrUniqueImportUuid
End If
When I run this code in my own development environment, from inside the IDE, or even run the .exe on my local machine, it works perfectly--the folder gets created as expected and other files are then successfully created in it.
But when I build the executable and install it on another machine, the Mkdir command throws the error 'Error 75: Path/File Access error'. (I narrowed it down to this command by putting a MsgBox command immediately before and after it--the one before gets displayed, but the one after does not.)
The default permissions on a folder created using Mkdir are rwx for everyone, according to my research why would it throw the error on other machines and not on mine?
Or maybe it has nothing to do with what machine it's running on--I just had no other theories. The other weird thing is that this program has used MkDir in other places for years; I've just added this new one when I added additional functionality.
Thank you--looking forward to your responses.
I suspect that WQW's answer is what's happening, but, you might want to verify that the two machines are running the same version of teh VB6 runtimes (MSVBVM6.dll). There are several versions. It's a long shot but one might behave slightly differently than another.
But again, I kind of doubt that, I suspect the two folder names you're working with aren't exactly the same.