I'm working on unit testing two dlls with Gtest and Gmock in C++:
A.dll and B.dll, both are written in C and I cannot modify them.
A.dll's init
function uses B.dll's functions as arguments via function pointers. I want to mock B's functions (as they are hardware dependent).
I created a test fixture class for A.dll that dynamically loads the functions init
and calc
. The following code gives a quick overview of the functions of interest:
class TestFixture : public ::testing::Test {
// dynamically loads functions from A.dll and assigns
// them to function pointers init_ptr and calc_ptr.
// function pointer typedef for use with B.dll's functions
typedef int (*funcPtr)(int, int);
// Loaded from A.dll
void init(funcPtr func1, funcPtr func2) {
// internally set functions in A.dll to be used in calculate
// Loaded from A.dll
int calculate(int a, int b) {
// returns a+b + a+b
return func1(func2(a,b), func2(a,b));
// Inside B.dll, should be mocked
int add(int a, int b) { return a+b; }
// Dummy class for B.dll
class B {
virtual ~B() {}
virtual int add(int a, int b) = 0;
class MockB : public B {
virtual ~MockB() {}
MOCK_METHOD(int, add, (int a, int b));
// Following example test run is the goal:
TEST_F(TestFixture, AddTest) {
MockB b;
// want to use mocked add function here
init_ptr(mockedAdd, mockedAdd);
EXPECT_CALL(b, add(_,_)).Times(3);
EXPECT_EQ(calc_ptr(2,3), 10);
When I tried to create a dummy B and a MockB class, I didn't manage to assign the mocked methods to the function pointers that init_ptr(funcPtr, funcPtr)
requires. Is there a way to achieve this with Gmock (or a similar framework)?
the easiest solution is to simply declare a static (or free) function that calls the mock.
class Fixture : public ::testing::Test
static int add(int a, int b)
return mock_.add(a, b);
static MockB mock_;
MockB Fixture::mock_; // static declaration somewhere in .cpp
TEST_F(Fixture, MyTest)
EXPECT_CALL(mock_, add(_, _));
init(Fixture::add, Fixture::add);