For maintaining a research project I'm setting up a Google Sheet to create mailing lists using logical operators.
The basic structure is a "contacts" sheet with an ever-growing list of email addresses, names, etc. I then add a new sheet for each new email-campaign (i.e., a mass email to be sent out). There is also an "unsubscribe" list to suppress email address inclusion in any future campaigns.
I struggle to come up with a solution that allows me to identify email addresses that have been e.g.,
My logical approach has been to establish a "history" sheet that lists all email addresses of any campaigns so far. I'm challenged to find a solution that compares "contacts" and "history" and correctly returns the rows that align with my search parameters, yet returns a given email address no more than once (so as to not email people multiple times per campaign).
I've tried to various configurations and nesting of QUERY
including UNIQUE
to establish a universal approach that uses "contacts" as a central source from which to logically extract rows as illustrated above.
This sheet reflects the above (no functions) and invites for suggestions:
=FILTER(contacts!A2:D1000, NOT(COUNTIF(contacts!B2:B1000, history!B2:B1000)))
=UNIQUE(FILTER(history!A2:D1000, COUNTIF(history!B2:B1000, history!B2:B1000)>1))
=FILTER(campaign2!A2:D1000, NOT(COUNTIF(campaign1!B2:B1000, campaign2!B2:B1000)))
=FILTER(contacts!A2:D1000, NOT(COUNTIF(unsubscribe!A1:A999, contacts!B2:B1000)))
=UNIQUE(FILTER(history!A2:D1000, COUNTIF(history!B2:B1000, history!B2:B1000)>1,
NOT(COUNTIF(unsubscribe!A1:A999, history!B2:B1000))))
=UNIQUE(FILTER(History, COUNTIF(historyB, historyB)>1,
NOT(COUNTIF(unsubscribe, historyB))))