Search code examples

checking each div in page and change value according to the data in the div

i have buttons created via display suite(the buttons contain 'join' text i need to run the function check to see the value should be join or leave. you can find my js code and my check function code. my problem is i think im calling the function the wrong way.

function init() {
     if ( === true){
        var button = $(this).find('.button.pulse');
        $(button).text === 'Leave';
        $(button).data('leave', true);
     else {

'checkteam' => array(
  'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  'page callback' => 'card_generator_check_team_ajax',
  'page arguments' => array(2),
  'access arguments' => array('access content'),

function card_generator_check_team_ajax($term_name) {
global $user;
$term = reset(taxonomy_get_term_by_name($term_name));
$tid = $term->tid;
$user_fields = user_load($user->uid);
$arrlength = (sizeof(($user_fields->field_teams[und])));
for($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {
$mytid = ($user_fields->field_teams[und])[$x]['tid'];
if ($tid == $mytid){
return true;
return false;

i need to get the data from checkteam function and if its true then the value should be leave.


  • problem solved! the php function was wrong.

    function card_generator_check_team_ajax($term_name)
      global $user;
      $term = reset(taxonomy_get_term_by_name($term_name));
      $tid = $term->tid;
      $user_fields = user_load($user->uid);
      $arrlength = (sizeof(($user_fields->field_teams[und])));
      for ($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {
        $mytid = ($user_fields->field_teams[und])[$x]['tid'];
        if ($tid == $mytid) {
          $arr = 'true';