Considert we have this JSON:
I want to return "AT" and the power corresponding to "AT", so I don't want to return "text1" but just [["text",10],["text2",40]]
. This query [A[*].AT,B[*].power]
return this: [["text","text2"],[10,20,40]]
. So it's not exactly what I want because I don't want the extra value: 20 from "text1". How can I fix that ?
EDIT: I found this portion of code @.B[?contains(['text','text2'],name)].[name,power][][]
it return ["text",10,"text2",40]
this is the good result BUT the query isn't dynamics, because in the contain I have this ['text','text2'] and I want to replace this portion of code with a nested query if it's possible, so, how can I do that ?
I don't think it's possible because as I know we can't store variables in JMES Path ad we can't use the current-node(@) in array filter as @.B[?contains(@[].A[].AT,name)].[name,power][][]
. Apparently JMES Path doesn't know to retrieve informations from node A once it get into the node B. You should use jq, with this query:
( .B | map({(.name): .power}) | add ) as $b | .A | map(.AT | [., $b[.]]) | add